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Homework Policy


     Each student will be given a Homework Assignment  every day, except Wednesday and Friday.  I will require students to record their assignments in their journals that are to be signed nightly by parents.  In second grade, the purpose of homework is to build responsibility and study habits; reinforce skills/concepts; and help keep you, the parent, informed of what we are learning in the classroom. Students should be able to do most assignments independently; but please look over your child's homework and offer guidance, if it is necessary. If your child is having trouble completing homework then contact me and we will come up with a solution possibly enrolling the student in before school tutoring.

Assignments will be given out on Monday-Thursday for reinforcement of materials learned.  Remember, students should read independently or read aloud (orally) at least 10-15 minutes a day.  This develops not only good reading habits, but it reviews the skills we are learning at school.  Addition and Subtraction Facts (Flash Cards) should be practiced daily for at least 10-15 minutes each day.  There is usually no homework assigned on Friday, unless your child has not completed his/her work in school.  Any missing, late, and incomplete work must be made up; otherwise, it will affect your child's grades. 

     Please contact me if you need to discuss your child's homework and/or grades.

**Students will receive an assignment journal and it will be used for the rest of the school year.  This will help us to communicate and ensure the success of your child in second grade